The United States Space Force (USSF) Enhanced Mobile Satellite Services (EMSS) Program Office and the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization (DITCO) have awarded a Blanket Purchasing Agreement (BPA) for the Iridium 9575-A satellite phone to Trace Systems. EMSS PMO is the US Government’s single provider of Enhanced MSS services to the DOD and other authorized users. With this award, Trace now serves as EMSS’s conduit for support to supply the new 9575-A Iridium secured phone.
As part of the program, any users across the DoD, other US Government organizations, and approved mission partners are now able to acquire this government-only satellite phone capable of supporting NSA-approved classified communications using an industrial-grade design for use around the globe. Customers can order Iridium 9575-A and activate services through the DISA Storefront. Any issues can be resolved by contacting the EMSS Customer Account Manager or calling 301.225.2800.
“Trace has a longstanding relationship with EMSS PMO, DITCO, and Iridium to be the leading provider of EMSS-approved products and support services for the US Government and its mission partners. This BPA is critical to support the transition away from legacy 9505-A devices which have been discontinued since May 2015,” said Vice President, Greg Filak. “This consolidated BPA tied to DISA StoreFront provides EMSS’s approved contract to procure all 9575-A handsets for authorized users.”
This BPA is also Trace’s first contract with the US Space Force. Filak continued, “We are proud to support the Space Force with our known high-quality products and services with which Trace has supported the EMSS Program Office since 2011.”
Trace Systems is a leading provider of satellite and tactical communications, enterprise IT, and cybersecurity services and solutions in global enterprise and tactical environments. Since 2006, Trace has and continues to deliver mission critical capabilities, communications infrastructure, and field support to enable customer success at home station and deployed environments.